Our Sub-Groups


Work Based LearningWork-based Learning Provider Group – Brings together work-based learning providers from across the region to collectively develop solutions to meet provision challenges and issue arising. It focuses on the strategic direction of travel for current and future work-based learning provision and delivery within the context of Welsh Government skills priorities and the labour market.

Employability Working GroupEmployability Working Group - Overall, the group plays a crucial role in driving collective efforts to enhance employability outcomes by fostering collaboration, knowledge sharing, and advocacy. It also serves as a platform for sharing information, research, and best practices related to employability.

Construction Employer Cluster GroupConstruction Employer Cluster Group - Specific objectives are to support employers and to have a clear voice to ensure that the employer needs can shape the provision and progression pathways for skills development, education, and training in construction jobs. The group also aims to help diversify entrants into the sector, including increasing the number of women in construction.

Digital Skills Employer Cluster GroupDigital Skills Employer Cluster Group - brings together employers of all sizes, from all sectors, from across the region to share their challenges, opportunities, and best practice. Forms part of the wider network associated with the Digital Dozen, a smaller group of employers who come together to set the priorities and actions for the network.

Public Sector Employer Cluster GroupPublic Sector Employer Cluster Group - The group brings together public sector employers across the region to support employer demand for growth via higher level skills and to deliver key messages to inform and influence our regional providers to respond with appropriate provision.